HP/MP/XP Level Mod (bu forumdaki gibi fisubsilver image'li)

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Mesajlar: 3959
Kayıt: 23-06-2003 20:54
Konum: Geriden

HP/MP/XP Level Mod (bu forumdaki gibi fisubsilver image'li)

Mesaj gönderen taNGo »

4 dosya editlenecek:

Resimlerin ekleneceği klasör:

Kod: Tümünü seç

-----[ AÇ ]------------------------------------------ 


-----[ BUL ]------------------------------------------ 

$search = '<a href="' . $temp_url . '">' . $lang['Search_user_posts'] . '</a>';

-----[ ALTINA EKLE ]------------------------------------------ 

/* Begin HP/MP/EXP Mod
* Note: all new variables used created in this mod
* are prefixed with level_ to be sure of not overwriting
* other variables.

/* Calculate Level
* A user's level is determined by their total number of posts.
* A nice mathmatical formula is used to translate their post count
* into an intager level.
* Note: A user with zero (0) posts is considered level 0, however
* making one (1) post, raises them to level 1.

if($profiledata['user_posts'] < 1)
$level_level = 0;
$level_level = floor( pow( log10( $profiledata['user_posts'] ), 3 ) ) + 1;

/* Determine Hit Points (HP)
* Hp is based on user activity.
* Max HP is based on the user's level, and will generally
* be the same for all users of the same level.
* A user's current HP is based on the user's posts per day.
* A higher post per day (ppd), the more HP they will have. A 
* user with an average PPD (set below) will have 50% of their 
* max HP. As a user goes over the average PPD, they will have 
* more HP, but the gains will decrease as the user's PPD increases.
* This makes achieving 100% hp difficult, but not impossible.
* For users with under the average PPD, they will have HP equal
* to 1/2 the percentage their ppd is of the average.
* ie- a user with 2.5 ppd, and an average ppd of 5 will have
* 25% of their max HP. This is because 2.5 is 50% of 5, and 1/2
* of that, is 25%.
* Users who manage to post so far above the average that they have
* more HP than their max will recieve a bonus to their max HP.
* Note that users at level 0 will always have 0 / 0 hp.

* This value determines the 'average' posts per day.
* The admin may redefine this variable as he wishes. 
* Higher values will generally decrease users' HP, and
* lower values will generally increase users' HP.
* Note: Do NOT set this value to zero (0).
* This -may- be set to a fractional value (eg, 5.1, 3.1415)

$level_avg_ppd = 5;

* this value sets how hard it is to achieve 100%
* hp. The higher you set it, the harder it is to
* get full hp.
* to judge how high to set it, a user must have
* posts per day equal to the $level_avg_ppd plus
* the number set below.
* This should NOT be zero.

$level_bonus_redux = 5;

if($level_level < 1)
$level_hp = "0 / 0";
$level_hp_percent = 0;
$level_max_hp = floor( (pow( $level_level, (1/4) ) ) * (pow( 10, pow( $level_level+2, (1/3) ) ) ) / (1.5) );

if($posts_per_day >= $level_avg_ppd)
$level_hp_percent = floor( (.5 + (($posts_per_day - $level_avg_ppd) / ($level_bonus_redux * 2)) ) * 100);
$level_hp_percent = floor( $posts_per_day / ($level_avg_ppd / 50) );

if($level_hp_percent > 100)
//Give the user a bonus to max HP for greater than 100% hp.
$level_max_hp += floor( ($level_hp_percent - 100) * pi() );
$level_hp_percent = 100;
$level_hp_percent = max(0, $level_hp_percent);

$level_cur_hp = floor($level_max_hp * ($level_hp_percent / 100) );

//Be sure a user has no more than max, and no less than zero hp.
$level_cur_hp = max(0, $level_cur_hp);
$level_cur_hp = min($level_max_hp, $level_cur_hp);

$level_hp = $level_cur_hp . ' / ' . $level_max_hp;

/* Determine MP
* MP is calculated by how long the user has been around
* and how often they post.
* Max MP is based on level, and increases with level
* Each post a user makes costs them mp,
* and a user regenerates mp proportional to how
* many days they have been registered

//Number of days the user has been at the forums.
$level_user_days = max(1, round( ( time() - $profiledata['user_regdate'] ) / 86400 ));

/* The mp cost for one post.
* Raising this value will generally decrease the current
* mp for most posters.
* This may be set to a decimal value (eg, 2, 2.1, 3.141596)
* This should NOT be set to 0
$level_post_mp_cost = 2.5;

/* This determines how much mp a user regenerates per day
* Raising this value will generally increase the current
* mp for most posters.
* This may be set to a decimal value (eg, 3, 3.5, 2.71828)
* This should NOT be set to 0
$level_mp_regen_per_day = 4;

if($level_level < 1)
$level_mp = '0 / 0';
$level_mp_percent = 0;
$level_max_mp = floor( (pow( $level_level, (1/4) ) ) * (pow( 10, pow( $level_level+2, (1/3) ) ) ) / (pi()) );

$level_mp_cost = $profiledata['user_posts'] * $level_post_mp_cost;
$level_mp_regen = max(1, $level_user_days * $level_mp_regen_per_day);

$level_cur_mp = floor($level_max_mp - $level_mp_cost + $level_mp_regen);
$level_cur_mp = max(0, $level_cur_mp);
$level_cur_mp = min($level_max_mp, $level_cur_mp);

$level_mp = $level_cur_mp . ' / ' . $level_max_mp;
$level_mp_percent = floor($level_cur_mp / $level_max_mp * 100 );


/* Determine EXP percentage
* Experience is determined by how far the user is away
* from the next level. This is expressed as a percentage.
* Note, a user of level 0 has 100% experience. Making one post
* will put them at level 1. Also, a user that is shown to have 100%
* experience, will go up a level on their next post.

if($level_level == 0)
$level_exp = "0 / 0";
$level_exp_percent = 100;
$level_posts_for_next = floor( pow( 10, pow( $level_level, (1/3) ) ) );

$level_posts_for_this = max(1, floor( pow( 10, pow( ($level_level - 1), (1/3) ) ) ) );

$level_exp = ($profiledata['user_posts'] - $level_posts_for_this) . " / " . ($level_posts_for_next - $level_posts_for_this);

$level_exp_percent = floor( ( ($profiledata['user_posts'] - $level_posts_for_this) / max( 1, ($level_posts_for_next - $level_posts_for_this ) ) ) * 100);


-----[ BUL ]------------------------------------------ 

'U_SEARCH_USER' => append_sid("search.$phpEx?search_author=" . urlencode($profiledata['username'])),

-----[ ALTINA EKLE ]------------------------------------------ 

'HP' => $level_hp,
'HP_WIDTH' => $level_hp_percent,
'HP_EMPTY' => ( 100 - $level_hp_percent ),
'MP' => $level_mp,
'MP_WIDTH' => $level_mp_percent,
'MP_EMPTY' => ( 100 - $level_mp_percent ),
'EXP' => $level_exp,
'EXP_WIDTH' => $level_exp_percent,
'EXP_EMPTY' => ( 100 - $level_exp_percent ),
'LEVEL' => $level_level,

-----[ AÇ ]------------------------------------------ 


-----[ BUL ]------------------------------------------ 

<td valign="top" align="right" nowrap="nowrap"><span class="gen">{L_INTERESTS}:</span></td>
<td> <b><span class="gen">{INTERESTS}</span></b></td>

-----[ ALTINA EKLE ]------------------------------------------ 

<!-- [BEGIN LEVEL MOD] -->
<td align="right" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap" class="explaintitle">Level:</td>
<td align="right" valign="top" nowrap="nowrap" class="explaintitle">&nbsp;</td>
<span class="postdetails"> </span>
<table width="143" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="background-image:url(templates/fisubsilver/images/level_mod/lm_bkg.gif)">
<td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="31" height="49" /></td>
<td width="100%">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="20" height="6" /></td>
<td><img src="templates/fisubsilver/images/level_mod/lm_hp_bar.gif" alt="{HP}" title="{HP}" width="{HP_WIDTH}" height="9" /><img src="templates/fisubsilver/images/level_mod/lm_hp_bar_end.gif" alt="" width="4" height="9" /></td>
<td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="20" height="4" /></td>
<td><img src="templates/fisubsilver/images/level_mod/lm_mp_bar.gif" alt="{MP}" title="{MP}" width="{MP_WIDTH}" height="9" /><img src="templates/fisubsilver/images/level_mod/lm_mp_bar_end.gif" alt="" width="4" height="9" /></td>
<td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="20" height="4" /></td>
<td><img src="templates/fisubsilver/images/level_mod/lm_exp_bar.gif" alt="{EXP}" title="{EXP}" width="{EXP_WIDTH}" height="9" /><img src="templates/fisubsilver/images/level_mod/lm_exp_bar_end.gif" alt="" width="4" height="9" /></td>
<td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="20" height="8" /></td>
<!-- [END LEVEL MOD] -->

-----[ AÇ ]------------------------------------------ 


-----[ BUL ]------------------------------------------ 

$row_class = ( !($i % 2) ) ? $theme['td_class1'] : $theme['td_class2'];

-----[ ALTNA EKLE ]------------------------------------------ 

/* Begin HP/MP/EXP Mod
* Note: all new variables used created in this mod
* are prefixed with level_ to be sure of not overwriting
* other variables.

/* Calculate Level
* A user's level is determined by their total number of posts.
* A nice mathmatical formula is used to translate their post count
* into an intager level.
* Note: A user with zero (0) posts is considered level 0, however
* making one (1) post, raises them to level 1.

if($postrow[$i]['user_posts'] < 1)
$level_level = 0;
$level_level = floor( pow( log10( $postrow[$i]['user_posts'] ), 3 ) ) + 1;

/* Determine Hit Points (HP)
* Hp is based on user activity.
* Max HP is based on the user's level, and will generally
* be the same for all users of the same level.
* A user's current HP is based on the user's posts per day.
* A higher post per day (ppd), the more HP they will have. A 
* user with an average PPD (set below) will have 50% of their 
* max HP. As a user goes over the average PPD, they will have 
* more HP, but the gains will decrease as the user's PPD increases.
* This makes achieving 100% hp difficult, but not impossible.
* For users with under the average PPD, they will have HP equal
* to 1/2 the percentage their ppd is of the average.
* ie- a user with 2.5 ppd, and an average ppd of 5 will have
* 25% of their max HP. This is because 2.5 is 50% of 5, and 1/2
* of that, is 25%.
* Users who manage to post so far above the average that they have
* more HP than their max will recieve a bonus to their max HP.
* Note that users at level 0 will always have 0 / 0 hp.

* This value determines the 'average' posts per day.
* The admin may redefine this variable as he wishes. 
* Higher values will generally decrease users' HP, and
* lower values will generally increase users' HP.
* Note: Do NOT set this value to zero (0).
* This -may- be set to a fractional value (eg, 5.1, 3.1415)

$level_avg_ppd = 5;

* this value sets how hard it is to achieve 100%
* hp. The higher you set it, the harder it is to
* get full hp.
* to judge how high to set it, a user must have
* posts per day equal to the $level_avg_ppd plus
* the number set below.
* This should NOT be zero.

$level_bonus_redux = 5;

* We need to actually calculate the user's posts per day
* because unlike in the profile, it's not done for us.
$level_user_ppd = ($postrow[$i]['user_posts'] / max(1, round( ( time() - $postrow[$i]['user_regdate'] ) / 86400 )));

if($level_level < 1)
$level_hp = "0 / 0";
$level_hp_percent = 0;
$level_max_hp = floor( (pow( $level_level, (1/4) ) ) * (pow( 10, pow( $level_level+2, (1/3) ) ) ) / (1.5) );

if($level_user_ppd >= $level_avg_ppd)
$level_hp_percent = floor( (.5 + (($level_user_ppd - $level_avg_ppd) / ($level_bonus_redux * 2)) ) * 100);
$level_hp_percent = floor( $level_user_ppd / ($level_avg_ppd / 50) );

if($level_hp_percent > 100)
//Give the user a bonus to max HP for greater than 100% hp.
$level_max_hp += floor( ($level_hp_percent - 100) * pi() );
$level_hp_percent = 100;
$level_hp_percent = max(0, $level_hp_percent);

$level_cur_hp = floor($level_max_hp * ($level_hp_percent / 100) );

//Be sure a user has no more than max, and no less than zero hp.
$level_cur_hp = max(0, $level_cur_hp);
$level_cur_hp = min($level_max_hp, $level_cur_hp);

$level_hp = $level_cur_hp . ' / ' . $level_max_hp;

/* Determine MP
* MP is calculated by how long the user has been around
* and how often they post.
* Max MP is based on level, and increases with level
* Each post a user makes costs them mp,
* and a user regenerates mp proportional to how
* many days they have been registered

//Number of days the user has been at the forums.
$level_user_days = max(1, round( ( time() - $postrow[$i]['user_regdate'] ) / 86400 ));

/* The mp cost for one post.
* Raising this value will generally decrease the current
* mp for most posters.
* This may be set to a decimal value (eg, 2, 2.1, 3.141596)
* This should NOT be set to 0
$level_post_mp_cost = 2.5;

/* This determines how much mp a user regenerates per day
* Raising this value will generally increase the current
* mp for most posters.
* This may be set to a decimal value (eg, 3, 3.5, 2.71828)
* This should NOT be set to 0
$level_mp_regen_per_day = 4;

if($level_level < 1)
$level_mp = '0 / 0';
$level_mp_percent = 0;
$level_max_mp = floor( (pow( $level_level, (1/4) ) ) * (pow( 10, pow( $level_level+2, (1/3) ) ) ) / (pi()) );

$level_mp_cost = $postrow[$i]['user_posts'] * $level_post_mp_cost;
$level_mp_regen = max(1, $level_user_days * $level_mp_regen_per_day);

$level_cur_mp = floor($level_max_mp - $level_mp_cost + $level_mp_regen);
$level_cur_mp = max(0, $level_cur_mp);
$level_cur_mp = min($level_max_mp, $level_cur_mp);

$level_mp = $level_cur_mp . ' / ' . $level_max_mp;
$level_mp_percent = floor($level_cur_mp / $level_max_mp * 100 );


/* Determine EXP percentage
* Experience is determined by how far the user is away
* from the next level. This is expressed as a percentage.
* Note, a user of level 0 has 100% experience. Making one post
* will put them at level 1. Also, a user that is shown to have 100%
* experience, will go up a level on their next post.

if($level_level == 0)
$level_exp = "0 / 0";
$level_exp_percent = 100;
$level_posts_for_next = floor( pow( 10, pow( $level_level, (1/3) ) ) );

$level_posts_for_this = max(1, floor( pow( 10, pow( ($level_level - 1), (1/3) ) ) ) );

$level_exp = ($postrow[$i]['user_posts'] - $level_posts_for_this) . " / " . ($level_posts_for_next - $level_posts_for_this);

$level_exp_percent = floor( ( ($postrow[$i]['user_posts'] - $level_posts_for_this) / max( 1, ($level_posts_for_next - $level_posts_for_this ) ) ) * 100);


-----[ BUL ]------------------------------------------ 

'L_MINI_POST_ALT' => $mini_post_alt, 

-----[ ALTINA EKLE ]------------------------------------------ 

"POSTER_HP" => $level_hp,
"POSTER_HP_WIDTH" => $level_hp_percent,
"POSTER_HP_EMPTY" => ( 100 - $level_hp_percent ),
"POSTER_MP" => $level_mp,
"POSTER_MP_WIDTH" => $level_mp_percent,
"POSTER_MP_EMPTY" => ( 100 - $level_mp_percent ),
"POSTER_EXP" => $level_exp,
"POSTER_EXP_WIDTH" => $level_exp_percent,
"POSTER_EXP_EMPTY" => ( 100 - $level_exp_percent ),
"POSTER_LEVEL" => $level_level,

-----[ AÇ ]------------------------------------------ 


-----[ BUL ]------------------------------------------ 

{postrow.POSTER_FROM}</span><br />

-----[ ALTINA EKLE ]------------------------------------------ 

<!-- [BEGIN LEVEL MOD] -->
<br />
<span class="postdetails"> Level: <strong>{postrow.POSTER_LEVEL}</strong></span>
<br />&nbsp;
<table width="143" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" style="background-image:url(templates/fisubsilver/images/level_mod/lm_bkg.gif)">
<td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="31" height="49" /></td>
<td width="100%">
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="20" height="6" /></td>
<td><img src="templates/fisubsilver/images/level_mod/lm_hp_bar.gif" alt="{postrow.POSTER_HP}" title="{postrow.POSTER_HP}" width="{postrow.POSTER_HP_WIDTH}" height="9" /><img src="templates/fisubsilver/images/level_mod/lm_hp_bar_end.gif" alt="" width="4" height="9" /></td>
<td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="20" height="4" /></td>
<td><img src="templates/fisubsilver/images/level_mod/lm_mp_bar.gif" alt="{postrow.POSTER_MP}" title="{postrow.POSTER_MP}" width="{postrow.POSTER_MP_WIDTH}" height="9" /><img src="templates/fisubsilver/images/level_mod/lm_mp_bar_end.gif" alt="" width="4" height="9" /></td>
<td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="20" height="4" /></td>
<td><img src="templates/fisubsilver/images/level_mod/lm_exp_bar.gif" alt="{postrow.POSTER_EXP}" title="{postrow.POSTER_EXP}" width="{postrow.POSTER_EXP_WIDTH}" height="9" /><img src="templates/fisubsilver/images/level_mod/lm_exp_bar_end.gif" alt="" width="4" height="9" /></td>
<td><img src="images/spacer.gif" alt="" width="20" height="8" /></td>
<br />&nbsp;
<!-- [END LEVEL MOD] -->

-----[ EOM ]------------------------------------------
Ekte göndermiş olduğum resimleri yukarda yazdığı gibi ana dizin doğrultusunda ekleyin.

Eğer fisubsilver dışında bir template kullanıyorsanız resimleri fisubsilver yerine kendi template klasörünüze ekleyin. Ayrıca viewtopic_body.tpl ve profile_view_body.tpl dosyasına ekleyeceğiniz koddaki "fisubsilver" yazan kısımları kendi templatenizin adıyla değiştirin.
Bu mesaja eklenen dosyaları görüntülemek için gerekli izinlere sahip değilsiniz.
En son taNGo tarafından 16-03-2005 19:21 tarihinde düzenlendi, toplamda 2 kere düzenlendi.
Kullanıcı avatarı
New Friend
New Friend
Mesajlar: 10
Kayıt: 08-12-2004 16:23
Konum: istanbul

Mesaj gönderen peace »

çok teşekkür usta. harika oldu. ama kopy engeli olduğu için kodları yazmak baya vaktimi aldı :)
Kullanıcı avatarı
Mesajlar: 3959
Kayıt: 23-06-2003 20:54
Konum: Geriden

Mesaj gönderen taNGo »

uf kusura bakma ek dosyayı güncelledim.Şimdi içerisinde nasıl yükleneceği de yazıyor :wink:
Kullanıcı avatarı
Super Friend
Super Friend
Mesajlar: 557
Kayıt: 18-09-2004 04:30
Konum: İstanbul

Mesaj gönderen dEEp »

peace yazdı:çok teşekkür usta. harika oldu. ama kopy engeli olduğu için kodları yazmak baya vaktimi aldı :)

Güzel insan,mübarek zaat..Madem üretemiyorsun,üretenlere saygı duy,asalak olmaktansa ; Boş takılan insanoğlu ol..Kendi emeğin ile yapmışsın bi site,ne güzel..Gerisinide emeğin ile getir..Ne kadarda turkiyeforum.com sitesine benziyor dikkat ettin mi..? İconlara varıncaya dek hemde..Hadi iconları geçtik diyelim..Haberler bile aynı..Yani turkiyeforum.com dan girip çalacağına,gidip araştırsana haberlerini..Git arasana kendine icon veya düzenlesene tema nı..Belki senin yaptıkların buradakilerden daha güzel olacak..Neden böyle bi yola başvurursun ki..? Kopyalama yasağı dahi var heryeri alıntılarla dolu sitende..Madem kendin çalıyorsun,çırpıyorsun ; Bırak kullancılarında çalsın..Neden yasak koydun..? Sana ister istemez saygıları olsun diye..O halde sende saygı duyacaksın..
Nasıl turkiyeforum.com da yetkili olan arkadaşlarımız gayret ediyor,çabalıyor ise,sende o şekilde devamını getireceksin yaptığın güzel işlerin..Deminde belirttiğim üzre,belki daha güzelini başaracaksın..Ama kolaya kaçıyorsun..

Kaybeden sen olursun,haberin olmaz..

Ne dava haramisi, ne entelektüel sanat çığırtkanı, ne ütopya devşirmeni. Kuş olup uçtuk semaya..
Kullanıcı avatarı
New Friend
New Friend
Mesajlar: 10
Kayıt: 08-12-2004 16:23
Konum: istanbul

Mesaj gönderen peace »

En son peace tarafından 13-07-2005 09:53 tarihinde düzenlendi, toplamda 1 kere düzenlendi.
Kullanıcı avatarı
Fast Friend
Fast Friend
Mesajlar: 128
Kayıt: 17-12-2004 19:20
Konum: Ankara

Mesaj gönderen Antikky »

Antikky Browser yoliyim sana böle java şeyleri pek işlemiyorda amacın çalmaksa kodlardanda çalarsın ama.Bence ileri düzey çok saçma bir uygulama.Zaten hazır sistem üzerine yazılan ki ne yazıldığını pek anlamadım basit php kodlarımı sanmıyorun(!)bu kdar değerli olacağını buraya yazılan yazılar zaten kanımca çok edebi metinler bulunmuyor sitede yazarların konular üzerinde kendi görüşleri war.

Madem yazıları çok saklamak istiyorsunuz Vb ile şifreleyin kodları olsun bitsin: ) otursun eli ile yazsın...: )
Kullanıcı avatarı
Super Friend
Super Friend
Mesajlar: 557
Kayıt: 18-09-2004 04:30
Konum: İstanbul

Mesaj gönderen dEEp »

Haberlerde linkler var da nedense hepsi aynı sıralamada..Burada nasılsa,orada da aynı..Oraya girdiğimde buradan farkının kalmadığını gördüm ki bu eklentiler (icon vs..) ekleneli 3 gün olmadı..Elini çabuk tuttuğun için tebrik ederim seni..Uzatmaya gerek yok..

Olayla alakası olmayan şahıslar,şahsi fikirlerini sunmasınlar ortaya..
Ne dava haramisi, ne entelektüel sanat çığırtkanı, ne ütopya devşirmeni. Kuş olup uçtuk semaya..
Kullanıcı avatarı
Mesajlar: 3959
Kayıt: 23-06-2003 20:54
Konum: Geriden

Mesaj gönderen taNGo »

peace yazdı:kpyalama yasağı olan bir yerden nasıl çalarım acaba merak ediyorum. bütün haberlerde link var yanılmıyorsam burad tartışmamın anlamı yok. çalsam bu modulude çalardım istemezdim. haberler sadece buraya özel diye birşey yok. aynı iconlardan yüzlerce sitede var. sen neyi ispatlamaya çalışıyorsun çözemedim...
Sitene baktım ana sayfadaki ikonlar bana ait.Başka bir sitede varsa lütfen linkini ver bakalım bizde.İzin almanı beklerdim.Bizim açımızdan da düşünebilirdin durumu biraz.Haberlerde tabi ki bize ait değil ama sırası felan aynı.Değişik haberlerde bulunabilir kanımca.Her site farklı olmak ister, fakat bu tarz görüntüler görünce hiç hoş olmuyor..Kolay gelsin.
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